Saturday, February 1, 2025

Ideal Zemo Robot

Ideal 4764-7 Zeroid w/Solar Cycle - Zemo Version - Box Front

The Zemo Zeroid is a bit of a conundrum. Released very late in the toyline it's basically a mashup of the three original zeroids molded in new colors as three different versions were offered. Zemo has the head of Zintar (with a Zerak antenna), the upper torso, arms and hands of Zerak, and the lower body/legs and waist of Zobor. It could be found in a very distinctive red, a blue similar to Zerak's color, and an orange similar to Zobor's color only without any metal flaking.

Ideal Zeroid Zemo - Red Version
Ideal Zeroid Zemo - Orange Version

Ideal Zeroid Zemo - Turquoise Version

It's been reported that these were offered in the generic "Zerak Robot" box - there was an auction at one point where the Zemo included a Kresge box (see below) but I find it unlikely that it was ever offered in the US or Canada (no anecdotes of anyone obtaining on as a child in the US at least) - I don't believe Kresge had stores elsewhere. 

I had read at one time (and am somehow unable to find it again) a discussion on one of the forums that Zemo was the brainchild of Ideal employees in the UK, where the Zeroids were still selling well in the generic "Zerak Robot" boxes in 1970 and later. Someone came up with the idea of mashing up the robots and put an order in to their Asian manufacturer. A handful shipped in the Zerak color with "Zemo" on the waist - these were given to Ideal UK employees - none of the regular production examples bear a name (not sure why this was, probably something to do with the additional costs involved). The turquoise Zemo images above were from the forum post from around 2000.

For the longest time, the only packaged example I've seen is the one that I own, sold in 2001 in an eBay auction. As I recall I paid around $600 for it which seemed exorbitant - little did I know how rare these are. A second, similar packaged example was sold some time later for around $1200 in a damaged box - I suspect that they were from the same lot as they're very similar.

eBay Auction Images from my win in 2001

Auction Image from 2002 (note damaged box)

Zermo in Kresge Box?


The only package that I can verify is the Zeroid w/Solar Cycle shown above.

Ideal Catalog Specifications:



John's Notes:

I've owned this example since 2001 - I keep thinking another will appear but so far I seem to have the only one?

These sell even loose for a somewhat crazy amount - I was outbid in 2024 at $1600 on one.

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