Ideal Zeroids - What's it all about?

1968 Zeroid TV Commercial

The Ideal Toy Company garnered a reputation of producing some pretty imaginative toys in the 60's - I really wanted the Batman Cowl and Cap set, and the accompanying Batman Utility Belt (which demands somewhat ridiculous prices these days), and who can forget King Zor, Robot Commando, Mr Machine, or Captain Action? For me growing up, I believe I first encountered the Zeroids on TV (see commercial above) so I was set on getting one but frankly, we were very hard pressed for money so my expectations were low. To my delight, I received a Zobor one Christmas.

That Zobor meant everything to me, as it was of a scale that went well with my favorite Major Matt Mason toys, and it was a robot. Add to that how you could remove the motor and kind of fiddle with the toy, it allowed my imagination to create scenarios of damages and repairs, as Zobor went around the Moon aiding the good Major.

I really hadn't thought about the Zeroids at all, fast forward to 1995 or so, my girlfriend (now my wife) and I were visiting a local flea market when we separated for a bit, next thing I know she shows up with a fairly complete Zobor! I ended up trading a 1960's Combat! bagatelle (handheld pinball) for it. That started me to look for the Zeroids and here we are.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this Zeroid blog - much of the material I wrote back in the late 90's, but a lot of accumulation has occurred since then, so there's a lot of new material to publish. Enjoy!

-- John Eaton


All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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