Friday, January 31, 2025

Ideal 4608-6 ZEM XXI Zeroid Explorer Module

Ideal 4608-6 ZEM XXI Zeroid Explorer Module Box Front

I guess it makes sense for Ideal to answer the question regarding how the Zeroids made planetfall, by producing an intergalactic vehicle - the ZEM XXI Zeroid Explorer Module. This was a really neat toy that used a spring-and-cam mechanism to provide action. You throw a switch and the landing gear drops from the saucer-shaped vehicle, the front spins around revealing a Zeroid, a ramp drops and the Zeroid rolls out. Cool engineering that doesn't rely on batteries (other than what's already in the Zeroid).


The ZEM XXI Zeroid Explorer Module came in a fairly large box with colorful painted graphics on the front. All other sides are also printed purple and dayglow green against the white cardboard box.

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Pages 26-27)

4608-6 ZEM XXI
This is exactly what happens when the switch is thrown on the amazing Zeroid Exploratory Module: First, an eerie beeping sound is heard...alerting all, of the arrival of an outer-space visitor. Then, slowly the ship's transparent plastic canopy turns...while it lowers its landing pads, establishing itself on terra firma. When the canopy reaches the open position - an unloading ramp lowers into position - and any Zeroid happening to be inside ZEM XXI is automatically triggered to exit down the ramp. It's an eye-popping, out-of-this-world sight for sure! ZEM XXI is 13" in diameter and 9" high. The interior is appointed with a realistic-looking flight control console. The Zeroid Exploratory Module is mechanically operated - no batteries required. Closing the plastic canopy cocks the operating mechanism in preparation for the next exploratory trip. (Zeroid not included.)
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 24 1⁄2 lbs.


  • Reversed colors with the saucer yellow and the interior in purple (most are purple with yellow interior)
    4608-6 ZEM XXI Zeroid Explorer Module (reversed colors)

John's Notes:

This is a somewhat difficult to find set in unplayed-with condition. The box comes up for sale occasionally but the only insert I've seen came in my example and then most recently in an example that was still sealed.

Images were from an eBay auction - I'll update with my own soon.


All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4659-9 Alien Invader

Ideal 4659-9 Alien Invader Box Front

The Zeroid Alien Invader was something new added to the Zeroid line for 1970, a programmable Zeroid villain that explodes! The figure is basically a Zeroid with the same CU-24 motor and a similar, if more complex, drivetrain from the bottom, but the rest has been covered by a hardshell "melted" body with rubbery arms. One places a programming disk (really more of a cam spool and referenced as a cam in the instructions) into the body and the Alien moves in specific patterns. One cam causes the arms to fall off and ultimately the head to pop off and with the body on its back.

Ideal 4659-9 Alien Invader Box Contents


Clamshell box with painted artwork details on five sides (the bottom is white). The figure and "disks" are covered by a  clear plastic blister on top of a colorful insert. An instruction sheet is included.


Ideal 4659-9 Alien Invader Instructions 

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Pages 26-27)

He may look somewhat mean and menacing but he's really an amazing mass of mirth provoking mechanics. Using 4 cams, included, our Alien Invader will Search a zig-zag course, or walk post Sentry-fashion, or Patrol the area in a square will Self-Destruct as follows: First, right arm falls of-then left arm leaves then his head blows clean off - and now Alien Invader falls on his back like a lump as his motor turns off!
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 9 lbs.


  • There may be color variations but the examples I've seen have a red body, green arms and a yellow head.

John's Notes:

The rubbery arms are often collapsed and unusable. Also, the rubber interacts with the harder body plastic and can cause "melt" marks and indentations. It's also rare to find the cams with the toy and often the battery cover, head or arms are missing.

One can put the Alien into a Solar Cycle with the exploding cam - the others cause the Zeroid to only drive on one or the other tread to make turns which doesn't work well in the Cycle.

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4648-2 Sensor Station

Ideal 4648-2 Sensor Station Box Front

The 1970 Ideal catalog introduced two boxed accessories - presumably these were offered up as a replacement to the now missing Zeroid Commander Action Set and Zeroid Action Set, which seem to no longer be offered. This version of the Sensor Station came in a box similar tot he Missile Defense Pad. The Station itself is molded in blue, rather than the usual yellow/tan of the Station that came in the Zeroid Commander Action Set. Also the antenna is yellow instead of blue with silver paint; and the dish is red instead of yellow.

Note that the Sensor Station can only be operated by Zogg as it requires Zogg's electrodes to transfer power for operation.


Closed box with painted artwork details on all four sides.


Ideal 4648-2 Sensor Station Instructions

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Pages 26-27)

The eyes and ears of the Zeroid Complex! Manually operated crank-wheel rotates the Power and Long Range Radar antenna 360° while a whirling symbol in the Hypno-Scope spins its data to any Zeroid on Sentry duty. Futuristically designed, precision-molded, plastic structure with realistic control-console detail. No Zeroid installation can be considered safe without this ever-alert warning system. Measures 11" high and 10" wide.
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 6 lbs.


John's Notes:

The two accessory boxes seem somewhat difficult to acquire.

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4649-0 Missile Defense Pad

4649-0 Missile Defense Pad Box Front
The 1970 Ideal catalog introduced two boxed accessories - presumably these were offered up as a replacement to the now missing Zeroid Commander Action Set and Zeroid Action Set, which seem to no longer be offered. This version of the Missile Defense Pad is interesting as it's in a new red color instead of the original somewhat boring tan color.


Closed box with painted artwork details on all four sides.

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Pages 26-27)

Heavy weaponry designed to demonstrate the retaliatory capabilities of the peace-loving Zeroids. When the need arises, any Zeriod moving up the pad ramp will automatically trigger the sequential firing of 3 harmless spring-loaded rockets, and then with a flick of the switch he will back off the ramp. Missiles may also be launched manually and selectively. The 17" long. Zeroid not included (sic, appears two truncated sentences were merged).
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight:5 1⁄2 lbs.


John's Notes:

The two accessory boxes seem somewhat difficult to acquire.

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4764-7 Zeroid w/Solar Cycle

Ideal 4764-7 Zeroid w/Solar Cycle
For 1970 Ideal expanded the Zeroid offering with a robot packaged with a Solar Cycle. As far as I can tell, the only way to know which Zeroid is included is from what is displayed inside the box.


Window box with a carded Zeroid sitting inside a Solar Cycle.


Ideal 4764-7 Zeroid w/Solar Cycle Instructions  

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Pages 24-25)

An extra-terrestial (sic), circular tread-mill, 9" in diameter, that converts the track power of the included Zeroid into a rolling energy of its own. As the Solar Cycle rolls, the Zeroid within sways in a curious pendulum motion. Throw the Zeroid switch to 'reverse' and the Solar Cycle changes its direction. Extra Zeriod hands, Laser Bomb and Reversing Ramp. Operates on 2 "AA" size batteries, (not included).
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 10 lbs.


  • Japanese-version box (added sticker)

John's Notes:

Difficult packaging to find intact. The open window box is very fragile. My Zemo came in this package with a Japanese market sticker.

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4763-9 Zogg w/Laser Beam

Ideal 4763-9 Zogg w/Laser Beam

For 1970 Ideal released a special package that included Zogg in the same format as the original three Zeroids released. This tall window box exposed Zogg along with a new accessory - the Laser Beam.

Ideal 4763-9 Zogg w/Laser Beam Box Top

What's interesting about this packaging is it looks to include a case that could be repurposed as some type of vehicle accessory but instead, Zogg is held in place by a robot-formed blister against a cardboard background. The window only extends around two sides and features the CU-24 motor in a small cutout. It does include a reversing ramp.

The Laser Beam fits over Zogg's two electrode "hands" so power is transferred into the accessory.

Ideal 4763-9  Laser Beam


As with the first three Zeroids, Zogg was marketed in a window-boxed sleeve that displays two sides of the robot along with his accessory. It's taller than the case extending downward an inch and upward almost three inches (there's a cardboard insert above the case and below the box flap to add some rigidity). 


Ideal 4763-9 Zogg w/Laser Beam Instructions

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Pages 24-25)

Zogg, the number one motorized Zeroid of them all is now available with his own special weapon - the Laser Beam! The 6 1⁄2 (sic, probably inches), battery-operated Commander-In-Chief of all Zeroids has power in his Dyno Grid Arms which energizes the Laser Beam making it light up and blink. Zogg himself lights up when switched on and he can move forward and backward. Battery operated. Uses 2 size "AA" batteries (not included).
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 10 lbs.


John's Notes:

It took me a while to find a loose functioning Zogg and even longer to find the Laser Beam accessory - it's often missing the pinkish cover and even with it, the spire coming from the center is often missing. I bought the packaged Zogg in 2005 - the images are from the auction (new image coming).

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4599-7 Assorted Zeroids in Blister

4597-1 Zobor in Blister Front

For 1970 Ideal released the three original Zeroids in blister packs - this was probably a way to market on pegboard hooks rather than on shelf space, which was considered a premium by Retailers (I believe the price per unit was also dropped). The robots would come with alternate hands (including two missiles) but lacked the plastic case and reversing ramp.

The package is somewhat interesting with a colorful painted header card. Ideal also emphasized the motor by placing it outside the figure with "MOTORIZED" next to it on the card. Each Zeroid could be purchased separately or the retailer could purchase an assortment.

4597-1 Zobor in Blister Top
4597-1 Zobor in Blister Bottom
4597-1 Zobor in Blister Back


Fairly large blister with a full header card.


Ideal 4599-7 Assorted Zeroids in Blister Instructions

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Pages 24-25)

Our three basic Zeroids in new, blister packages. Each packed with a Laser Bomb and an extra pair of utility hands that can throw, pull, push, and haul. Battery-operated Zeroids can move forward or backward on their treads. 2 "AA" size batteries required,
4596-3 Zerak in Blister
4597-1 Zobor in Blister
4662-3 Zintar in Blister
Pack each: 6/12 doz. Weight: 4 lbs 

4599-7 Assorted Zeroids in Blister
Pack: 1 doz. Weight: 7 lbs.


John's Notes:

It took me a few years to find my example - the spent card is not difficult to find. As you can see, my example has some defects so not perfect, but I'm happy to own it.

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4778-7 Zeroid Action Set

Ideal 4778-7 Zeroid Action Set Box

The Zeroid Action Set is probably the most common of any Zeroid item - seems Ideal sold a lot of this set for obvious reasons. Besides the Zeroid robot included in the set, one also received the new "Solar Cycle" and the Missile Defense Pad. The Solar Cycle was basically a hoop where one could place a Zeroid - as the Zeroid advances or retreats it causes the hoop to turn, much like the hub of a wheel. The effect was pretty terrific, even though there are no multipliers so the Zeroid doesn't travel any quicker.

The Missile Defense Pad is this interesting ramp to a platform where three missiles are inserted into spring-loaded cannons (mortars?). As the Zeroid advances a simple lever mechanism causes the missiles to fire in order - quite neat.

Included with the Zeroid are the alternate hands, two missiles and the reversing ramp.

Ideal 4778-7 Zeroid Action Set Box Contents with Zobor
Ideal 4778-7 Zeroid Action Set Box Contents


The Zeroid Action Set came in a fairly large box with colorful painted graphics on the front. All four sides are also printed blue and black against the white cardboard box.


Ideal 4778-7 Zeroid Action Set Instructions 

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1968 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Page 31)

SOLAR CYCLE Any "turned on" Zeroid can make this galactic go-cart roll over "moon dust and crater bumps" with ease. It's a terrestrial treadmill that transforms the track power and weight of a Zeroid into rolling energy of its own, while imparting a curious pendulum-like action to the Zeroid.
(Available in sets #4779-5, 4778-7)

MISSILE DEFENSE PAD demonstrates the retaliatory capabilities of the peace loving Zeroids. When the need arises, any Zeroid moving up the pad ramp will automatically trigger the sequential firing of 3 harmless rockets, and then automatically back down off the ramp.
(Available in set #4778-7)

4778-7 ZEROID ACTION SET contains 1 Zeroid (either Zintar, Zobor or Zerak); 1 Solar Cycle; 1 Missile Defense Pad.
Pack per doz.: 6/12 Weight: 23 lbs.


  • The Missile Defense Pad was sold in this light-orange color in the Action Set. It's molded in red in the stand-alone box.

John's Notes:

The included Zeroid's name would be printed on the outside of the box, appears to be an ink stamp.

As mentioned previously, this appears to be the most common package and one can generally find examples for sale in the online auctions. There were many that appeared in the early 2000s with water damage that were all old store stock so there are unplayed-with examples mixed in, now mostly in the hands of collectors.

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4773-8 Zintar the Silver Explorer

4773-8 Zintar the Silver Explorer (borrowed from TheOldRobots)

Zintar the Silver Explorer was more of the intellectual of the Zeroids with a sleek body and a bit more tech ornamentation. Most examples are found in the simple gray color but at some point Ideal poured some silver metal into the pigment so there are glittery examples (they seem to be rarer than the gray version).

Zintar is in a red plastic case with a clear cover, the case is more of a frame that Zintar can push around by placing his body in the center. Its hands have spring-loaded "thumbs", that allows Zintar to hold things. As with the other two Zeroids, Zintar comes with a throwing hand with two yellow missiles and a magnetic hand. 


The first three Zeroids were all marketed in a window-boxed sleeve that fully exposed the case. It's taller than the case extending downward an inch and upward almost three inches (there's a cardboard insert above the case and below the box flap to add some rigidity). 


Ideal 4773-8 Zintar the Silver Explorer Instructions

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1968 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Page 33)

4773-8 ZINTAR - THE SILVER EXPLORER - The back portion of this Zeroid's package becomes a dramatic lunar sled that seems to carry gripper-fisted Zintar over the terrain. With magnetic and throwing hands.
Pack per doz.: 6/12 Wgt.: 8 1⁄2 lbs.


John's Notes:

Over time Zintar has become my favorite of the Zeroids - something about the sleek lines and symmetry that appeals to me more than the others. Zintar is often missing the two lights that are glued to the base and there's often a lot of paint wear to the black at neck and shoulders. I currently have the top half of a silver example - I just found the bottom half in decent shape to complete him. Box image above "borrowed" from TheOldRobots.

The box sleeves of the initial three are very difficult to find intact. They crush pretty easily and rip around the window area - it's common to see them in pieces. The images above are from my example, taken back in the late 90's - at some point I'll update.

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4772-0 Zobor the Bronze Transporter

Ideal 4772-0 Zobor the Bronze Transporter Box Front

Zobor the Bronze Transporter was the "golden" (more like an orange) Zeroid with flaring hips that for some reason is often referred to as "she" - it may be the resemblance to Rosie from the Jetsons.

Ideal 4772-0 Zobor the Bronze Transporter Box Back

Zobor is in a turquoise plastic case with a clear cover and two yellow wheels that can be added to the underside - it transforms the case into the "Cosmobile" trailer that can be dragged behind Zobor - thus the "Bronze Transporter" is defined by function. Its hands are spring-loaded, pincer-style very common with depictions of robots from the era, that allows Zobor to hold things. As with the other two Zeroids, Zobor comes with a throwing hand with two yellow missiles and a magnetic hand. 

Zeroid with Cosmobile


The first three Zeroids were all marketed in a window-boxed sleeve that fully exposed the case. It's taller than the case extending downward an inch and upward almost three inches (there's a cardboard insert above the case and below the box flap to add some rigidity). 


Ideal 4772-0 Zobor the Bronze Transporter Instructions 

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1968 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Page 33)

4772-0 ZOBOR - THE BRONZE TRANSPORTER - A kindly carrier with special duty gripper claws. Like magic, his empty plastic package becomes a roomy Cosmobile for hauling loads. Also has magnetic and throwing hands.
Pack per doz.: 6/12 Wgt.: 8 1⁄2 lbs.


Department Store Catalog Box

John's Notes:

I owned a Zobor as a child - it was actually one of my favorite toys and due to the scale, ideal for play with my Major Matt Mason astronauts. Somehow I managed to find a packaged example very early in my collecting and then stumbled across a second boxed version (which I've subsequently sold - kind of wish I had saved it).

The box sleeves of the initial three are very difficult to find intact. They crush pretty easily and rip around the window area - it's common to see them in pieces. The images above are from my example, taken back in the late 90's - at some point I'll update.

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4771-2 Zerak the Blue Destroyer

Ideal 4771-2 ZERAK the Blue Destroyer Box Front
Zerak the Blue Destroyer was originally the leader of the initial three Zeroids. I think he's something of a favorite among collectors. I find his "claw" shaped hands a bit less useful than some of the others as they don't hold things very well, but they are good for grabbing and pulling things.

Zerak is in a gray plastic case with a clear cover that hinges downward to provide a ramp for him to exit - not sure how you can do that without turning him on first so it's not as cool as it sounds. As with the other two zeroids, Zerak comes with a throwing hand with two yellow missiles and a magnetic hand. 

Ideal 4771-2 ZERAK the Blue Destroyer Box Side


The first three Zeroids were all marketed in a window-boxed sleeve that fully exposed the case. It's taller than the case extending downward an inch and upward almost three inches (there's a cardboard insert above the case and below the box flap to add some rigidity). 


Ideal 4771-2 Zerak the Blue Destroyer Instructions

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1968 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Page 33)

4771-2 ZERAK - THE BLUE DESTROYER - "Turn him on" while he's still in his control station package and lookout! His brute strength unhinges the transparent plastic cover which drops to provide an exit ramp for Zerak. Employs unique hooks for hands plus magnetic and throwing hands.
Pack per doz.: 6/12 Wgt.: 8 1⁄2 lbs.


I've seen some images of Zerak with a different shade of blue used in the body color - it's much more brilliant, more of a "peacock blue" and usually associated with the later market "Zerak" box.

John's Notes:

Zerak often has his antenna missing or the wings broken off - very common. One of mine has hardened glue around the knee joints (not that they move anyway but it's not pretty) - I think this was from heat exposure or something - the Zeroid still works and is minty otherwise.

The box sleeves of the initial three are very difficult to find intact. They crush pretty easily and rip around the window area - it's common to see them in pieces. I don't own an example of the packaging - the images above are from an old eBay ad.

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set

Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Front

With the success of the 1968 Zeroids release, in 1969 Ideal chose to offer up a new Zeroid, Zogg the Commander-in-Chief of all the Zeroids, in a new Zeroid Commander Action Set. The set would include Zogg, who differs from the first three Zeroids, with the ability to power various accessories using battery power. The set also included the Solar Cycle (which was also offered in the new 1969 Zeroid Action Set) the Sonic Alarm, and the Sensor Station. The colorful box differs somewhat from the more colorful box shown in the Ideal 1969 Catalog (link below).

Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box End
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Back
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box End
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Top
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Bottom
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Contents
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Zogg


The Zeroid Commander Action Set came in a fairly large box, about the same dimensions as the Zeroid Action Set only thicker, with colorful painted graphics on the front. All four sides are also printed orange and black against the white cardboard box.


Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Instructions

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1968 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Page 30)

ZOGG, with awesome power, is the Commander-In-Chief of all Zeriods! He dominates the terrain of Planet Zero in his new rolling Solar Cycle. He can also propel himself to the Sensor Station or Sonic Alarm where, with his unique Dyno-Arms he, and only he, can activate the Space Scanner, Radar Antenna, Hypno-Scope and Audible Alert. Turn a switch and Zogg lights up like a computer complex.
(Available in set #4779-5)

SONIC ALARM Whenever danger threatens and a warning signal must be given, Commander Zogg can be directed to this sparkling structure. He rolls up on the platform with his Dyno-Arms extended forward and touches the contact plates of the Sonic Alarm. Power from Zogg's batteries flow thru his Dyno-Arms, energizing the Alarm which emits a loud, insistent sound. An interrupter-button is provided for coded signalling. Only Zogg can activate the Sonic Alarm.
(Available in set #4779-5)

SENSOR STATION The eyes and ears of the Zeroid Complex! The ever-watchful Commander Zogg rolls up on the Sensor Station platform with his energy-supplying Dyno-Arms extended. When he touches the contact plates on the Scope, the long-range Radar and Power Antenna rotate, searching the horizon 360°, while the whirling symbol in the Hypno-Scope spins its data to the attentive Zogg. Only Commander Zogg can activate the Sensor Station.
(Available in set #4779-5)

SOLAR CYCLE Any "turned on" Zeroid can make this galactic go-cart roll over "moon dust and crater bumps" with ease. It's a terrestrial treadmill that transforms the track power and weight of a Zeroid into rolling energy of its own, while imparting a curious pendulum-like action to the Zeroid.
(Available in sets #4779-5, 4778-7)


John's Notes:

This is a somewhat difficult to find set in unplayed-with condition. The box comes up for sale occasionally but the only insert I've seen came in my example.

Images were from an eBay auction - I'll update with my own soon.


All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Zeroid Zogg the Commander-in-Chief

Zeroid Zogg the Commander-in-Chief

Zeroid Zogg the Commander-in-Chief

The Zeroid Zogg is quite an unusual design, somewhat different from the Zeroid Patent submitted for the first three. Instead of having interchangeable arms, the ends of each arm have an electrode (shaped like a "-" and a "+"). When placed in specific equipment receptacals, the electrodes would transfer power from the two AA Batteries to the Sonic Alarm and Sensor Station accessories, unique to this set. Zogg is also under power with the same configuration as other Zeroids with a CU-24 motor driving the tread axle. The robot also lights up (he's a bit shorter than the other Zeroids and less humanoid in shape).

Zeroid Zogg the Commander-in-Chief Front
Zeroid Zogg the Commander-in-Chief Lights On
Zeroid Zogg the Commander-in-Chief Back

Zeroid Zogg the Commander-in-Chief Bottom

Zeroid Zogg the Commander-in-Chief Instructions

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Play Sets" Catalog

Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Play Sets" Catalog Front Cover
For 1970 Ideal published this catalog in a horizontal "landscape" format - my copy has a ring binding, from past experience it may have been offered in both a ring binding and a stapled binding version.

S.T.A.R. Team

Page 18 introduces the S.T.A.R. Team wearable space accessories including various equipment to cosplay space exploration. This is relevant as the trademark will be reused with adapted Zeroid toys in 1977.

Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Play Sets" Catalog Page 18
Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Play Sets" Catalog Page 19

Page 19 Transcript: 

This is far and away the most thrilling piece of headgear ever available to America's space-minded kids. The junior astronaut looks thru his break-resistant plastic dome to a world washed in an amber-gold light and reports his findings into a Head Phone. The efficient looking molded collar has vents to receive the simulated "life-support" supply tubes. Finned louvres add authority to this dramatic piece of plastic spacewear.
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 16 1⁄2 lbs.

A mechanical arm for junior astronauts who have to play it safe when handling "lunar" material. Equipped with a long shaft and two sets of jaws, the Remote Gripper Device can scoop up lunar dust or grip large pieces of space matter. A manual control is located within the protective diaphragm and a simple squeeze on concealed trigger operates the jaw. (The Remote Gripper is equally effective snagging a sneaker under the bed!)
Pack: 1 doz. Weight: 24 1⁄2 lbs.

The "decontamination" of an area or person is simulated with this Ionization Nebulizer - a development of our S.T.A.R. TEAM Safety Systems. When the trigger is squeezed, this out-of-this-world piece of space hardware emits a micro-fine mist that Control Center (mother) won't object to. Junior spacemen will enjoy "deradiating" and "neutralizing" each other. Constructed of sturdy, break-resistant plastic, S.T.A.R. TEAM Member Patch included.
Pack: 1 doz. Weight: 19 lbs.

3001-5 S.T.A.R. TEAM™ EQUIPMENT BELT An adjustable, plastic utility belt loaded with equipment essential to every junior astronaut. When first landing on a strange planet, our explorer can use his Scanner Scope and survey the landscape thru its rotating geometric grid. With the information gained, he can then communicate with other members of the Star Team, using his Signal Communicator, a shuttered device that aims and flashes a colored panel to the receiver.

Before leaving the scene, our spaceman can use his AGT Tool to chip off and grip a sample piece of space matter. Now, if he's hungry, he can draw sustenance from his Life Support System, two supply reservoirs for mini drinks, complete with plastic tubes designed to "feed" our hero without requiring that he remove his Star Team Space Helmet. It's the perfect belt for that asteroid belt and beyond. Finally, his belt buckle has a secret compartment for special orders, cookies, etc.
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 13 lbs.

A junior astronaut, walking on these adjustable, molded plastic, air cushion boots knows the sensation of taking those famous "giant steps forward" on the surface of the moon. The boots are equipped with slip-on bindings and laces that fit all. Large lugged soles afford traction and leave dramatic foot prints in the sand. At each step a rush of air escapes through a vent at the heel of each boot.
Pack: 1 doz. Weight: 31 1⁄2 lbs.


The Zeroid robots pick up on page 24 and continue for four pages. We're introduced to the ZEM-XXI Explorer Module and the Alien Intruder. Ideal also expands the Zeroid product offering by repackaging various accessories into separate boxes, gives us both a Zeroid with Solar Cycle combination and a Zogg with a new Laser Beam accessory, and offers Zeroids on blister packs.

Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Play Sets" Catalog Page 24

Page 24 Transcript:

Contains 1 dozen Zeroids of 3 styles assorted of the realistically simulated visitors from the Planet Zero. Each Zeroid can grab, pinch, claw, carry, attract, throw, push, pull, haul and magnetize using his two sets of hands included. Each package becomes a play-work accessory for these incredible workers of the future, with a Reversing Ramp. Zeroids powerful battery-powered motors require two "AA" type batteries (not included).
Pack: 1 deal Weight: 17 lbs.

Our three basic Zeroids in new, blister packages. Each packed with a Laser Bomb and an extra pair of utility hands that can throw, pull, push, and haul. Battery-operated Zeroids can move forward or backward on their treads. 2 "AA" size batteries required,
4596-3 Zerak in Blister
4597-1 Zobor in Blister
4662-3 Zintar in Blister
Pack each: 6/12 doz. Weight: 4 lbs 

4599-7 Assorted Zeroids in Blister
Pack: 1 doz. Weight: 7 lbs.

Zogg, the number one motorized Zeroid of them all is now available with his own special weapon - the Laser Beam! The 6 1⁄2 (sic, probably inches), battery-operated Commander-In-Chief of all Zeroids has power in his Dyno Grid Arms which energizes the Laser Beam making it light up and blink. Zogg himself lights up when switched on and he can move forward and backward. Battery operated. Uses 2 size "AA" batteries (not included).
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 10 lbs.

Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Play Sets" Catalog Page 25
Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Play Sets" Catalog Page 26
Ideal Toy Corporation 1970 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Play Sets" Catalog Page 27

Page 27 Transcript:

An extra-terrestial (sic), circular tread-mill, 9" in diameter, that converts the track power of the included Zeroid into a rolling energy of its own. As the Solar Cycle rolls, the Zeroid within sways in a curious pendulum motion. Throw the Zeroid switch to 'reverse' and the Solar Cycle changes its direction. Extra Zeriod hands, Laser Bomb and Reversing Ramp. Operates on 2 "AA" size batteries, (not included).
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 10 lbs.

Heavy weaponry designed to demonstrate the retaliatory capabilities of the peace-loving Zeroids. When the need arises, any Zeriod moving up the pad ramp will automatically trigger the sequential firing of 3 harmless spring-loaded rockets, and then with a flick of the switch he will back off the ramp. Missiles may also be launched manually and selectively. The 17" long. Zeroid not included (sic, appears two truncated sentences were merged).
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight:5 1⁄2 lbs.

The eyes and ears of the Zeroid Complex! Manually operated crank-wheel rotates the Power and Long Range Radar antenna 360° while a whirling symbol in the Hypno-Scope spins its data to any Zeroid on Sentry duty. Futuristically designed, precision-molded, plastic structure with realistic control-console detail. No Zeroid installation can be considered safe without this ever-alert warning system. Measures 11" high and 10" wide.
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 6 lbs.

He may look somewhat mean and menacing but he's really an amazing mass of mirth provoking mechanics. Using 4 cams, included, our Alien Invader will Search a zig-zag course, or walk post Sentry-fashion, or Patrol the area in a square will Self-Destruct as follows: First, right arm falls of-then left arm leaves then his head blows clean off - and now Alien Invader falls on his back like a lump as his motor turns off!
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 9 lbs.

4608-6 ZEM XXI
This is exactly what happens when the switch is thrown on the amazing Zeroid Exploratory Module: First, an eerie beeping sound is heard...alerting all, of the arrival of an outer-space visitor. Then, slowly the ship's transparent plastic canopy turns...while it lowers its landing pads, establishing itself on terra firma. When the canopy reaches the open position - an unloading ramp lowers into position - and any Zeroid happening to be inside ZEM XXI is automatically triggered to exit down the ramp. It's an eye-popping, out-of-this-world sight for sure! ZEM XXI is 13" in diameter and 9" high. The interior is appointed with a realistic-looking flight control console. The Zeroid Exploratory Module is mechanically operated - no batteries required. Closing the plastic canopy cocks the operating mechanism in preparation for the next exploratory trip. (Zeroid not included.)
Pack: 6/12 doz. Weight: 24 1⁄2 lbs.


All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Ideal 2039-6 S.T.A.R. Team Battling Spaceships Game

Ideal S.T.A.R. Team Battling Spaceships Game Cover

This game is basically a rehash of Ideal's 2340-8 "Battling Tops" game issued in 1969, where each side tries to knock out the other side's tops as mock battles. This progresses around the "galaxy" (the edges of the board like Monopoly). Whomever reaches the end first wins. "The action game where you move around the board and battle in the Space Arena for control of the Universe"

Ideal S.T.A.R. Team Battling Spaceships Game Contents

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Marvel Comics Ideal S.T.A.R. Team Comic Book Insert

Marvel Comics Ideal S.T.A.R. Team Comic Book Insert Front Cover

This 6 5/8" x 5" comic could be found as an insert to 4601-1 Star Hawk. The comic is full-color printed on comic/pulp stock and features ads for other Ideal toys in the inside and back cover (Total Control Racing and the Star Team Battling Spaceships game in the guts; Electroman and Zogg, another odd reuse of a original Zeroids character name, on the back cover). 

Penciled by Dave Cockrum, inks by Mike Esposito and colors by Marie Severin the book has quite the comic book legacy. Here's the introduction from the inside cover:

It is the year 3000. For the first time, Earth's solar system faces invasion! From out of the mysterious Black Nebula which swirles in the intersteller vastness beyond Pluto have come the Knight of Darkness and his Shadow Warriors to establish a foothold amid the outer planets of the solar system.

Here, they have been held at bay but the Knight's drive fro conquest is unending. To keep him in check requires I.

And this dangerous vigil is the job of Earth's Star Team Scouts, such as Zem-21 and his two Zeroid companions, the heroic crew of the saucer-ship Star Hawk! 

Marvel Comics Ideal S.T.A.R. Team Comic Book Insert Back Cover

Note that I "borrowed" these images from until I can find my copy and take new photos.

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

Ideal 4606-0 S.T.A.R. Team Kent and his Cosmic Cruiser

Ideal 4606-0 S.T.A.R. Team Kent and his Cosmic Cruiser Box Front

In 1978 Ideal released Kent and his Cosmic Cruiser to the S.T.A.R. Team crew so they invited Kent to the party. The Cosmic Cruiser is a repurposed Evel Knievel Canyon Skycycle. The figure is a repurposed J.J. Armes with a different head (an improvement over the bad hair and snarky grin of the Armes figure), a red jumpsuit and helmet.

Complete with:

    Kent - A 9" Fully dressed, poseable figure
    Cosmic Cruiser - The rolling spacecraft with Outer Space Styling

Explore the world of Star Team with Kent and his Cosmic Cruiser 

Ideal 4606-0 S.T.A.R. Team Kent and his Cosmic Cruiser Box Back

Kent Close Up
Cosmic Cruiser
Kent in his Cosmic Cruiser

All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.