Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set

Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Front

With the success of the 1968 Zeroids release, in 1969 Ideal chose to offer up a new Zeroid, Zogg the Commander-in-Chief of all the Zeroids, in a new Zeroid Commander Action Set. The set would include Zogg, who differs from the first three Zeroids, with the ability to power various accessories using battery power. The set also included the Solar Cycle (which was also offered in the new 1969 Zeroid Action Set) the Sonic Alarm, and the Sensor Station. The colorful box differs somewhat from the more colorful box shown in the Ideal 1969 Catalog (link below).

Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box End
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Back
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box End
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Top
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Bottom
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Contents
Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Box Zogg


The Zeroid Commander Action Set came in a fairly large box, about the same dimensions as the Zeroid Action Set only thicker, with colorful painted graphics on the front. All four sides are also printed orange and black against the white cardboard box.


Ideal 4779-5 Zeroid Commander Action Set Instructions

Ideal Catalog Specifications:

(First appearance: Ideal Toy Corporation 1968 "Toys - Games - Dolls - Vinyl" Catalog Page 30)

ZOGG, with awesome power, is the Commander-In-Chief of all Zeriods! He dominates the terrain of Planet Zero in his new rolling Solar Cycle. He can also propel himself to the Sensor Station or Sonic Alarm where, with his unique Dyno-Arms he, and only he, can activate the Space Scanner, Radar Antenna, Hypno-Scope and Audible Alert. Turn a switch and Zogg lights up like a computer complex.
(Available in set #4779-5)

SONIC ALARM Whenever danger threatens and a warning signal must be given, Commander Zogg can be directed to this sparkling structure. He rolls up on the platform with his Dyno-Arms extended forward and touches the contact plates of the Sonic Alarm. Power from Zogg's batteries flow thru his Dyno-Arms, energizing the Alarm which emits a loud, insistent sound. An interrupter-button is provided for coded signalling. Only Zogg can activate the Sonic Alarm.
(Available in set #4779-5)

SENSOR STATION The eyes and ears of the Zeroid Complex! The ever-watchful Commander Zogg rolls up on the Sensor Station platform with his energy-supplying Dyno-Arms extended. When he touches the contact plates on the Scope, the long-range Radar and Power Antenna rotate, searching the horizon 360°, while the whirling symbol in the Hypno-Scope spins its data to the attentive Zogg. Only Commander Zogg can activate the Sensor Station.
(Available in set #4779-5)

SOLAR CYCLE Any "turned on" Zeroid can make this galactic go-cart roll over "moon dust and crater bumps" with ease. It's a terrestrial treadmill that transforms the track power and weight of a Zeroid into rolling energy of its own, while imparting a curious pendulum-like action to the Zeroid.
(Available in sets #4779-5, 4778-7)


John's Notes:

This is a somewhat difficult to find set in unplayed-with condition. The box comes up for sale occasionally but the only insert I've seen came in my example.

Images were from an eBay auction - I'll update with my own soon.


All content, including images and editorial, is Copyright ©1999-2025 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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